The village of Massignano is located 256 meters above sea level, 6 km from the Adriatic coast.
The municipal territory includes the hamlets of Villa Santi (in the valley of the Menocchia stream) and Marina di Massignano (which develops along 2 km of coast), for a total of about 1600 inhabitants.
discover it in all its beauty and let yourself be enchanted
by our territory: by bike, by foot and with your family
The territory of Massignano is rich in accommodation and services beyond all expectations.
Let the village welcome you: organize your trip by choosing as a destination a country considered among the most beautiful in the province of Ascoli Piceno
Among the local specialties, the most important and characteristic is certainly a niche agricultural product: the”taccola”, a particular variety of legumes similar to peas, of which the whole pod is eaten. Also noteworthy is the recent discovery of an indigenous olive cultivar, the “Nebbia della Val Menocchia”.
Among the numerous village festivals every August 14 stands out the “Sagra delle Frittelle” (fried cakes made with eggs, milk and sugar), the oldest village festival of the Piceno: its first edition was held in 1958.
Not far from the village there are some intact Roman caves in which you can admire small niches for the preservation of urns for the deceased, known among the locals as “grotte dei cento buchi”.
Along the road that leads to the village, under the northern slope of the castle walls , until the middle of the last century there were a stone mill and a long row of mulberry trees for the breeding of silkworms, both witnesses of a micro-economy of subsistence that involved the entire social fabric.
In the center of the village, stands out the “Popular Museum of Terracotta”, with its peculiar pipes and whistles of various workmanship and color. This pipes and whistles undoubtedly represent a gem for all the visitors.
The two main churches of the village were originally intended for different audiences: the priory, in the central square, was intended for the attendance of lords and terraces (so are still called the inhabitants of the old town); the parish church, instead, just outside the walls, served to accommodate peasants and plebeians (hence the term “parish”).
Among the curious popular sayings that concern us, two certainly stand out: the first according to which Massignano would be defined as the country of “u jedizie” (of the judgment); the other, slightly teasing, so in the local dialect all the words would end, without exception, with the -e.
From the town as from several points of the surrounding countryside open to the eyes glimpses of wonderful beauty: the hills dotted with small villages stretch out like a rolling carpet between the blue of the Adriatic Sea and the Sibillini mountains, also known as “blue mountains”.
Piazza Garibaldi, 1 – 63061 Massignano (AP)
Tel. +39 0735 72112
C.F. 00363350448
ViviMassignano is the online portal to let you know about all the beauties of the village of Massignano.
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Vivi Massignano is a project by “Comune di Massignano” © 2023 – C.F. 00363350448.
All the Texts, Routes and the Photos used for the web portal are made in collaboration with Massimo Romani, Mattia Speranza, Luigino Marzetti, Alduino Pelosi, Stefano Ottaviani, Gabriele Vallorani, Michelina Verdecchia.
Website by Idee di Marca.
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